Fancy partnering with The Post?

No tricks, just treats
Hi there — you're a loyal Post reader. You're having a quick tea break while taking in this editor's note. And soon you will be returning to your office (read: opening Microsoft Teams) in order to commence a productive afternoon. The good news is that this email may have a transformative impact on your organisation/business/charity/team, potentially increasing the job satisfaction and engagement of your colleagues while bringing your valuable work to a massive and influential audience across the city. Hooray!
We’re creating new ways for your organisation to benefit from our work, while supporting our mission to provide quality journalism in Liverpool and the wider region. That could be via corporate subscriptions, sponsorships, or events. If you lead — or work in — one of these organisations, we’d love you to think about partnering with us.
Why are we doing this? Firstly, we see this as the next part of our journey to becoming a sustainable business, here for the long-term. We feel that over the past couple of years, we have proven that there is a strong market for the kind of journalism we do, and now we want to expand our operations and diversify our income a little bit.

But it goes beyond that. As we’ve reported before, Liverpool has often struggled to attract investment. Well-researched, quality news is good for residents, and good for the business community — raising standards, calling out bad practice, and shining a light on those doing incredible work here. We believe that today’s civically minded organisations can benefit from partnering with The Post, while supporting a renaissance in serious Liverpool journalism at the same time.
And like all good partnerships, the benefits flow both ways. For example, a great way your organisation could support the Post is by taking out a corporate subscription for your staff. We provide a discounted rate and a service that allows you to easily add and remove people as needed. That’s a really thoughtful staff perk, which will help your employees feel more connected to the city and region. It’ll also provide your team added insight into what’s going on in Merseyside — helping you to do business and win work here.
Or you could consider sponsoring a briefing. On Mondays we feature local businesses and organisations early on in our regular roundups. For example, we’ve recently worked with the Home Upgrade Show and the Great Northern Craft Fair to get the word out about the good work they’re doing. It’s a chance to get yourself in front of Merseyside’s most discerning readership — the 19,000 people who receive The Post in their inboxes every week. We are a safe space for your brand, and will work with you to connect with our readers.

There might be other possibilities as well — such as working with us to organise events, or inviting us to chair an event you’re running. And if you have colleagues in any of the cities served by our sister titles — Manchester, Sheffield, and Birmingham — there could be opportunities there as well.
But successful partnerships are all about communication, so for now, we’re just really keen to hear from you. If any of this sounds like it could be of interest, get in touch for an informal conversation by contacting Daniel Timms at